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TED Tam Eğitim Bursu Sınavı 23 Şubat 2025'teTED Tam Eğitim Bursu Sınavı 23 Şubat 2025'te

Anadolu Foundation meets with valuable teachers from Afyon with its "Leadership, Management and Teamwork in the 21st Century" course within the "My Valuable Teacher" program.

The Anadolu Foundation continues to support teachers in nurturing exceptional young individuals with its "My Valuable Teacher" Program. The program, continuing with the theme of "Social Entrepreneurship," will come together with teachers from Afyon on May 9th in a session about "Leadership, Management, and Teamwork in the 21st century."

With its strong team of educators, the Anadolu Foundation's "My Valuable Teacher" program has reached over 190,000 valuable teachers across Turkey. The program aims to increase teachers' knowledge, abilities, and competencies in a way that will help them to educate entrepreneurial and innovative individuals who will take part in creating solutions for social issues and to assist in raising the next generation who will be responsible for today and the future with "Social Entrepreneurship." The program's goal is to offer education equipped with 21st-century competencies to support a social entrepreneurship journey.

Equipped with 21st-century competencies, Anadolu Foundation offers education that focuses on the competencies needed in the new century.

Since 2013, with its "My Valuable Teacher" program, the Anadolu Foundation has been keeping up with the rapidly changing expectations and needs of the new century and its dynamics. Not only in Turkey but also with educators from all around the world, including educational administrators, the Anadolu Foundation aims to increase teachers' knowledge, abilities, and competencies which will assist in creating leaders who will make a difference in the society of tomorrow. In the program, the aim is to develop permanent and scalable solutions to universal and social problems through training that will help develop self-awareness and conscientious thinkers.

Building bridges between teachers and youth with the theme of Social Entrepreneurship.

In order to provide effective and permanent solutions to social problems in a world where change is constant, the "My Valuable Teacher" program has created Social Entrepreneurship, a bridge between educators and youths who are leaders of change and innovators, with the goal of social benefit. The Social Entrepreneurship journey consists of 3 modules. In the "Social Entrepreneur" module, the main aim being to prioritize social benefits, learners develop permanent and scalable solutions to universal and social problems through self-discovery and universal awareness training. In the "Social Enterprise" module, learners use gains in leadership, idea development, and project management primarily towards social goals, as they engage entrepreneurial and innovative projects. The "Social Innovation" module aims to create innovative solutions that are effective, efficient, sustainable and fair to social issues through training in innovation and change.


The "My Valuable Teacher" Program aims to increase teachers' knowledge, abilities, and competencies in a way that will allow them to be effective professionals who can make a difference in the face of a constantly changing world. In line with the Ministry of National Education's "Education Vision," teachers from all over Turkey, educational administrators, and school management teams also participate in the educational programs. "My Valuable Teacher" has been enriching the lives of more than 190,000 teachers since its inception in 2013 and will continue to do so. The program's courses are delivered through the collaboration of local national education directorates utilizing the Zoom app for remote access.