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AK Parti Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Teşkilat Üyeleriyle Tarım Ürünleri Fabrikasını Ziyaret EttiAK Parti Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Teşkilat Üyeleriyle Tarım Ürünleri Fabrikasını Ziyaret Etti

Afyonkarahisar's local car manufacturer, Togg's first model, T10X, is hitting the roads, and the industrial site traders in the city have started training for maintenance and repair of Togg vehicles.

Mustafa Yılmazaslan, the head of Afyonkarahisar Metal Artisans Trade Union, explained the work to be done on how the industrial site merchants in the city would intervene in case of a breakdown. He stated that although they are not prepared for Togg's vehicles, the traders will be trained. "As you know, Togg is a brand of vehicles produced in Turkey, and they are electrically powered vehicles that work between 400 and 600 volts and generate 4,000 volts in total. We were not prepared for them. Of course, like any working vehicle, our vehicles will break down, and we have made efforts as chambers and federations regarding their maintenance and repair. We will do our best to develop our merchants related to their maintenance and repair. Because these vehicles will need repair and maintenance in the maximum of 1-2 years. We made a contract with Uludağ University in Bursa for mechanical engineering and electrical and electronic engineering. Training has started on a provincial basis for this," he said.

"We do not want our mechanics and electricians to work on Togg without education."

President Yılmazaslan emphasized that no trader should intervene in these cars without education. "We have 75,000 auto mechanics and electronics traders throughout Turkey. We made a protocol with Bursa University for education. We will have a slightly accelerated training for the first round. Their education is vital as they will work with vehicles that will operate between 400 and 600 volts and produce 4,000 volts. I especially do not want my mechanics and electrician traders to work on these vehicles without attending seminars and receiving education. Their outfits will also be very special for these cars. They will have anti-electricity special clothes and not use their regular working clothes," he said.

"There is not much difference in the bodywork than in other vehicles."

President Yılmazaslan stated that they have no problem in intervening in the bodywork of Togg vehicles, but they still need education on this matter. "These vehicles are entirely produced with electric motors powered by batteries. We will train the traders in Afyon with seminars, and we will ensure that they receive their certificates. The bodywork of these vehicles does not differ much from other vehicles, and there is no significant issue. Of course, traders need to go through training on the bodywork as well because, as I said, they are working with high-voltage vehicles."