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İYİ Parti, Liderliği Altında İl Başkanları İle Toplantı GerçekleştirdiİYİ Parti, Liderliği Altında İl Başkanları İle Toplantı Gerçekleştirdi

Isparta Valiliği and Isparta Municipality, together with the participation of academicians, are organizing the Earthquake-Resistant Isparta Workshop to discuss the city's earthquake preparedness and determine a roadmap for what needs to be done before an earthquake occurs.

During the opening of the workshop, Isparta Mayor Şükrü Başdeğirmen stated, "This work is a very sacred work. I believe that if these studies prevent even one person from dying during an earthquake, it will be the most beautiful work we have ever done in human terms."

The Earthquake-Resistant Isparta Workshop, organized in collaboration with Isparta Valiliği, Isparta Municipality, Çevre, Şehircilik ve İklim Değişikliği İl Müdürlüğü, Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası (ITSO), Süleyman Demirel University (SDÜ) and Isparta Applied Sciences University (ISUBÜ), was attended by Isparta Deputy Governor Hamdullah Suphi Özgödek, Isparta Mayor Şükrü Başdeğirmen, Çevre, Şehircilik ve İklim Değişikliği İl Müdürü Abdullah Borca, ISUBÜ Rector Prof. Dr. Yılmaz Çatal, ITSO President Metin Çelik and ITSO Council President Ethem Erkan Kader, as well as municipal mayors, academicians and technical staff.

Çevre, Şehircilik ve İklim Değişikliği İl Müdürü Abdullah Borca, who made the opening speech of the workshop, stated that the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes had revived memories and caused confrontation. He emphasized that the impact of these earthquakes on society was great and said, "Therefore, we must start a new transformation for cities to gain seismic resilience, social change, change in our lifestyle. While we continue our work in earthquake regions, we held a comprehensive meeting with our governor and our mayor and planned this meeting."

Mayor Şükrü Başdeğirmen said the Isparta Municipality team was present in the hall and shared information about the municipality's earthquake-related work. He said that after the 1999 earthquake, Isparta Municipality applied the changes in the zoning law appropriately. Başdeğirmen also mentioned that the Municipal Directorate of Zoning entered different studies after the earthquake that occurred on February 6th, and the teams made observations about what needed to be done regarding the earthquake region.

"Actually, this is not something that comforts us"

Başdeğirmen, who said he asked what kind of work the municipality had done regarding earthquakes when he first took office four years ago, made the following comments: "Right after we took office, we conducted soil geologic survey and drilling studies in 440 points in the city. We scanned all of Isparta with this work. We also determined where landslides and floods could come from Isparta. We prepared reports on them. We may be in an earthquake zone, but the main fault line does not pass through our city. Actually, this is not something that comforts us. Although the earthquake's epicenter was Kahramanmaraş, there was not a single solid building left in Samandağ. Our technical and scientific friends and academicians will examine these issues. We need to remember that an earthquake in Isparta can affect İzmir, which is 420 kilometers away, and can also cause damage there."

"We completed our city's current mapping plan"

Mayor Şükrü Başdeğirmen shared information about the municipality's work on earthquake preparedness, saying, "With an administrative understanding that takes into account all dangers and risks in our city, we have prepared urban renewal and transformation plans. We completed our city's current mapping plan. We conducted soil geologic survey and drilling studies in 440 points in 44 neighborhoods, scanned all of Isparta. We began transferring all our infrastructure systems into digital media with Geographic Information System (GIS), which is known as CBS. We shared this system with five neighboring provinces. In a possible earthquake, the teams that will come to help us from neighboring provinces will know exactly where our infrastructure lines pass through. Within Isparta's existing building stock, more than 800 buildings were demolished or had to be demolished in accordance with the Urban Transformation Law published in 2012. Since we took office in 2019, we demolished more than 350 derelict buildings. We are also preparing to determine the entire building inventory of our province, pre and post-2010. We are even going to put plates in front of each apartment. We are analyzing the structures of each building. Together with those, we will determine the priority of our neighborhoods. Our work will continue on a neighborhood-based approach after Anadolu Neighborhood. We are also establishing soil and concrete drilling laboratories."

"As soon as we took office, we created our 37-person ISAK team"

Mayor Şükrü Başdeğirmen mentioned the work the municipality will do after the earthquake disaster. "As soon as we took office, we created our 37-person ISAK team. They have excellent abilities. We have acquired thermal imaging devices that can detect the body temperature of a living person under debris, up to 50 meters deep. We bought seismic and acoustic listening devices that can detect the smallest sound and vibration that can be made by someone caught under rubble. We purchased 500 disaster tents. Our fully equipped search and rescue vehicle will be provided to us in September. We have prepared one container for personnel relaxation and technical materials. We are preparing the second one. These are coming up with experience. More than 50,000 people died in the earthquake; more than 893,000 of our homes were damaged. After this workshop, we aim to overcome disasters with much less damage and no deaths. I thank all the academics and technical personnel who will contribute to our workshop. This work is sacred. I believe that if these studies prevent even one person from dying during an earthquake, it will be the most beautiful work we have ever done in human terms," he said.

Isparta Deputy Governor Hamdullah Suphi Özgödek stated that earthquake disasters are not only Turkey's but also a reality of the entire world. Özgödek, who emphasized that the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes showed that the incident needed to be approached with a comprehensive perspective, said, "We must examine and prepare the precautions according to all aspects. Very useful results will be obtained from this workshop." After the opening speeches, academicians and panelists presented their presentations. A final report will be prepared after the presentations, which will take place for