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Afyonkarahisar Emniyet Müdürlüğü Bir Kahvehanede Kumar Tespit EttiAfyonkarahisar Emniyet Müdürlüğü Bir Kahvehanede Kumar Tespit Etti

Afyonkarahisar Valisi Kübra Güran Yiğitbaşı, stating that the highest rainfall rates in the province have been reached since 1929 according to the averages of May, said "We have lost one of our citizens. Knowing that the other citizens have been rescued safely comforts us".

In the landslide that occurred on Monkey Mountain near Sarıkavak village of Dazkırı district of Afyonkarahisar, 2 out of 4 people trapped in the buried vehicles survived while one person died and one person was injured. After the incident, Vali Yiğitbaşı went to the scene and coordinated the rescue efforts on-site, receiving information from officials. Following the inspections, Vali Yiğitbaşı stated, "We are above the monthly rainfall rates in comparison to previous years during the 13-day period of June. Thus, Afyonkarahisar has reached the highest rainfall rates according to May averages since 1929. We know that we have received 4-5 times more precipitation than what is normally expected per square meter. I would like to express that the saturation of the soil with water is formed and that it can no longer absorb water".

Stating that Landslide occurred due to excessive rainfall, Vali Yiğitbaşı continued his statements as follows: "Due to the excessive rainfall, the soil layers here can no longer absorb water, and unfortunately, this leads to landslide, soil slip, and flood risks increasing. Today's incident is actually a result of this. Therefore, we see that such an incident has occurred due to the inability of the soil to absorb excessive precipitation in the hills. We have lost one of our citizens. Knowing that the other citizens have been rescued safely comforts us".