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Afyonkarahisar Emniyet Müdürlüğü Bir Kahvehanede Kumar Tespit EttiAfyonkarahisar Emniyet Müdürlüğü Bir Kahvehanede Kumar Tespit Etti

Bilecik Province Agriculture and Forestry Directorate teams carried out damage assessment studies in agricultural fields in Yenipazar and Söğüt districts after the floods that occurred.

The intense rainfall and flood disaster in the region in recent times caused significant damage to agricultural fields. Upon this, the teams of the Agriculture and Forestry Directorate went to the field to assess the damage in agricultural lands in Yenipazar and Söğüt districts. The teams examined the agricultural lands in the areas affected by the flood in detail and carried out studies to determine the damaged agricultural products and the degree of damage.