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Afyonkarahisar Emniyet Müdürlüğü Bir Kahvehanede Kumar Tespit EttiAfyonkarahisar Emniyet Müdürlüğü Bir Kahvehanede Kumar Tespit Etti

Osmangazi Elektrik Dağıtım AŞ (OEDAŞ), which provides electricity distribution services in Afyonkarahisar, Bilecik, Eskişehir, Kütahya and Uşak where the bird migration route passes through, has added a new development to its bird protection efforts. Previously, OEDAŞ had placed insulators on the energy transmission lines and now it is covering the energy-conducting sections of the lines with a material called flexiglass to provide birds with areas to build nests that are not transmitting electricity. OEDAŞ Director Muzaffer Yalçın said that with this application, they have reduced the risk of birds being trapped in the current by 95 percent.

Osmangazi Elektrik Dağıtım AŞ (OEDAŞ), which provides electricity distribution services in Afyonkarahisar, Bilecik, Eskişehir, Kütahya and Uşak where the bird migration route passes through, continues its uninterrupted work to protect biodiversity in its service area. The company that serves migratory birds along the migration route started placing insulators on the transmission lines to protect them from electrical current. The company announced that it aimed to complete the insulation of a 10-kilometer line by the end of the year. While the insulation works were ongoing, OEDAŞ started to cover the energy-conducting parts of the energy transmission lines with a material called flexiglass to provide birds with areas to build nests that are not transmitting electricity.

"Working with the mission of being responsible towards our planet"

OEDAŞ Director Muzaffer Yalçın explained the company's work for migratory birds and said, "As OEDAŞ, while continuing our investments to ensure safe and sustainable energy supply, we carry out our work with our mission of being responsible towards our planet. The Osmangazi region, where we provide services, is an area with high biodiversity and particularly abundant migratory birds. We shared this diversity with the public in our 'Osmangazi Distribution Lines Bird Monitoring Report' published in 2020. When migratory birds perch on energy transmission lines, i.e. electrical poles, they can be harmed due to various reasons. To prevent this, we started placing insulators on our lines last year and continue to do so. On the other hand, birds that nest in the cable junctions, especially during rainy weather, can be trapped in the electrical current. With our flexiglass work, we aimed to prevent this."

"We started the work in all provinces when the pilot application became successful"

Yalçın explained the details of the work as follows:

"As part of the project, we started covering the energy-conducting sections of the transmission lines with a transparent hard plastic material called flexiglass. This way, birds can build their nests in sections with no electricity flow and will not be affected even if it rains. We first implemented this in Afyonkarahisar and found that the rate of birds getting stuck in the current decreased by 95 percent. Therefore, we started the same application in the five cities where we provide service. We will continue our work until the bird deaths caused by electricity transmission lines are completely eradicated. Our first goal is undoubtedly to protect the birds. However, with our work, we also provide our consumers with a more sustainable energy supply since bird-related malfunctions have decreased."