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Gaziler Günü'nde Gazilere Minnet ve Saygı SunulduGaziler Günü'nde Gazilere Minnet ve Saygı Sunuldu

Eskişehir Osmangazi University Prof. Dr. Kamil Çolak has issued a message for the Victory Day on August 30th.

In his message, Rector Çolak stated, "We proudly celebrate the 101st anniversary of the August 30th Victory, which we achieved as the Turkish nation under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, against the occupiers who tried to take away our homeland. A century ago, the imperialist states and their minions, the invading Greek army, who tried to uproot the great Turkish nation from Anatolia, suffered a major blow with the defeat they received on August 30th, 1922, and they realized with this defeat that Anatolia would forever remain the land of the Turks and Islam." Çolak used these expressions.

Rector Çolak, who congratulated the Victory Day with his sincerest wishes, continued his message as follows:

"As we proudly celebrate the August 30th Victory, which is one of the golden pages of our history, it is our duty to teach our children that these lands have remained as Turkish homeland for a thousand years, irrigated with the blood of martyrs, and that both internal and external enemies have not abandoned their goals against our homeland and still seek opportunities to attack even today. With these thoughts, I commemorate with mercy, gratitude, and respect our Republic's founder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and all the heroes of our independence struggle, as well as our noble martyrs and brave veterans who have immortalized themselves in the hearts of our nation, and I sincerely congratulate our nation on Victory Day."