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Sinanpaşa İlçe Başkanı Ender Oğuz Ameliyata Alındı, Sevenleri Şifa Dileklerini İletiyorSinanpaşa İlçe Başkanı Ender Oğuz Ameliyata Alındı, Sevenleri Şifa Dileklerini İletiyor

Ertuğrul Gazi Mosque, the first mosque of the Ottomans, has been reopened for worship tomorrow after the completion of its restoration. The 40-seater Ertuğrul Gazi Mosque, built at the spot where Ertuğrul Gazi, the father of Osman Gazi, the founder of the Ottoman Empire, first pitched his tent, was reopened for worship after a year-long restoration process on November 10th, following the Friday prayer. Located in Söğüt, where the first tent of Ertuğrul Gazi, the leader of the Kayı Tribe and the father of Osman Bey, the founder of the Ottoman Empire, was set up, the mosque is also known as the 'Well Mosque' among the locals due to the presence of a well inside. The mosque, built by Ertuğrul Gazi before 1276 and rebuilt on the same foundations by Sultan Abdulhamid II in 1902, had undergone renovations in the past.

The reopening of the Ertuğrul Gazi Mosque, following prayers read by the Şöğüt District Mufti Ali Yurtlu, was attended by Bilecik Governor Şefik Aygöl, Şöğüt District Governor Ömer Fakur Tuncer, Şöğüt Mayor İsmet Sever, Provincial Director of Culture and Tourism Serkan Bircan, and the congregation of the mosque.

"Worship has begun since that time and spread to Anatolia"

Speaking after the Friday prayers, Bilecik Governor Şefik Aygöl said, "We are celebrating the death anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk together on November 10th. I would like to express our gratitude to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and our martyrs, veterans, and elders who have served this country, and to commemorate them with respect. We are currently in Söğüt, on the land of our ancestors, in the lands where our ancestors, led by Ertuğrul Gazi, gathered to establish a great tree in Anatolia with a formation consisting of 40 tribes. We are at the forefront of the first mosques in Anatolia. This mosque, which we refer to as the 'Well Mosque,' is also known as the Ertuğrul Gazi Mosque. Worship has begun since that time and spread to Anatolia. As you know, this mosque was restored a year ago. After a restoration process that lasted about 1 year, we have reopened it for worship today with the Friday prayer."

"According to legend, it is said that the circumcision and wedding of Osman Gazi took place in the cemetery area of the mosque"

Aygöl, in his statement, said, "Of course, this mosque has different features. In the cemetery area of this mosque, which is referred to as the 'Well Mosque,' it is rumored that the circumcision and wedding of Osmangazi, the son of Ertuğrul Gazi and the founder of the Ottoman Empire, took place. Also, the reason why it is called the 'Well Mosque' is that there is a well at the entrance, from which water was taken to meet the water needs in the area. This well also has a different feature. During that time, Muslims living in Ertuğrul Gazi's tribe and non-Muslim neighbors from the other side used to come and get water here. Our ancestors had set a goal back then to show the spirituality, tolerance, and generosity of Islam to the non-Muslims who came to fetch water, so the mosque was established in that way. I would like to express my thanks, especially to our Minister of Culture and Tourism, our General Director of Foundations, our regional director, our provincial director, our district governor, and our mayor, who all contributed and worked hard in the reopening and restoration of this beautiful mosque, which is a legacy of our ancestors."