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Afyonkarahisar Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi İle İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü Arasında İş Birliği Protokolü İmzalandıAfyonkarahisar Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi İle İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü Arasında İş Birliği Protokolü İmzalandı

Anadolu University's Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), Department of Speech and Language Therapy (SLT), organized the 'Symposium on Language Disorders in the 100th Anniversary of the Republic' at Anadolu University Congress Center.
The opening of the symposium was attended by many people including Anadolu University Rector Prof. Dr. Fuat Erdal, FHS Dean Prof. Dr. Aliye Mavili, Vice Dean and SLT Department Head Prof. Dr. Elçin Tadıhan Özkan.

"SLT was established for the first time at Anadolu University in our country"
Anadolu University Rector Prof. Dr. Fuat Erdal emphasized that the Department of Speech and Language Therapy was established for the first time in our country at Anadolu University and shared the following at the opening of the Symposium on Language Disorders in the 100th Anniversary of the Republic:
"As a field of health professions, speech and language therapy was founded in Anadolu University in 1999. Despite being a young field of 24 years, it has provided evidence-based services in the areas of language, speech, communication, voice and swallowing disorders to numerous citizens and still continues its services within the scope of SLT. In addition, as an accredited department, it has trained and graduated numerous students and has provided qualified speech and language therapists to the field. Our university organizes numerous educational and training activities within the framework of its mission to train competent academicians and clinicians. Today, we are organizing another event to share current information about language disorders through our expert speakers."

"Our students gain experience and step into the profession"
FHS Dean Prof. Dr. Aliye Mavili stated the following at the symposium:
"The Department of Speech and Language Therapy, which was established within our faculty in 2012, has been graduating a significant number of students since 2016 with its competent teaching staff. We are proud to provide our students with the opportunity to gain clinical experience and enter the profession at the DILKOM practice and research center under the roof of our university. FHS, in this context, has seen improvement in the quality of teaching activities as a result of quality improvement efforts. In order to achieve standard criteria in the international community and increase the quality of teaching activities, the Society for Evaluating and Accrediting Health Sciences Education Programs (SABAK) was established in 2015 to accredit Health Sciences Education Programs. Our department is the first accredited department among the Departments of Speech and Language Therapy and one of only two departments that has accreditation. In this regard, I am happy to announce that we will continue to educate qualified professionals in the second century of our Republic. "

"We improve the quality of services by conducting academic studies"
Prof. Dr. Elçin Tadıhan Özkan, Vice Dean of Anadolu University FHS and Head of SLT Department, stated that they were inspired by the 100th anniversary of our Republic and emphasized that the symposium was dedicated to Prof. Dr. İlknur Maviş, who retired recently as the Dean of Anadolu University FHS. Prof. Dr. Elçin Tadıhan Özkan continued her speech as follows:
"Since the day we were established as Anadolu SLT, I am experiencing the rightful pride and happiness of being together with you today, motivated by the desire to disseminate, develop and share the knowledge rooted in us. Language disorders affect many individuals from early childhood to old age, reduce their quality of life and make communication difficult. As speech and language therapists, we serve individuals of all ages with language and speech disorders, and work with the best of our abilities to improve their quality of life and develop their communication skills. We also aim to increase the quality and variety of services provided by conducting academic studies in this field."
After the opening speeches, a meeting was held with the participants with the presentation titled "From Yesterday to Today: The Profession of Speech and Language Therapy" by Prof. Dr. Ahmet Konrot, Faculty Member at Uskudar University Faculty of Health Sciences. Prof. Dr. Konrot expressed the following: "Associations and civil society movements are extremely important to take care of our issues, and it is necessary to unite powers at this point. The more we are together, the further we will go."
Prof. Dr. İlknur Maviş, retired faculty member of Anadolu University FHS, gave a speech titled "Being a Graduate of SLT in the 100th Year of the Republic" and said the following: "Speech and language therapy is a profession that deals with disorders such as speech, voice, cognition, communication, eating, and swallowing. We still have a licensing problem in the private education and rehabilitation centers where we currently work. We know the professionals who work in universities and rehabilitation centers, but we would also like to see more of them in hospitals despite the shortage of staff. However, we still want you to prefer hospitals."

The symposium continued with parallel sessions
After the opening session, the 'Symposium on Language Disorders in the 100th Anniversary of the Republic' continued with parallel sessions in Salon Anadolu and Mavi Salon at Anadolu University Congress Center. The panel sessions titled "Developmental Language Disorders", "Traumatic Brain Injury and Cognitive Communication Disorders due to Right Brain Damage", "Secondary Language Disorders", and "Acquired Language Disorders: Aphasia" were chaired by Prof. Dr. İlknur Maviş, Prof. Dr. Bülent Toğram, Prof. Dr. Özlem Diken, and Dr. Didem Çevik, respectively. In the panel sessions, many academicians shared their studies with the participants as part of the 'Symposium on Language Disorders in the 100th Year of the Republic'.