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Öğretmenlere Saygı Göstermek İçin İletişim Kurarken Dikkat Edilmesi GerekenlerÖğretmenlere Saygı Göstermek İçin İletişim Kurarken Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler

Anadolu University, which is preparing to implement many organizations in the fields of science, culture, art, and sports with the vision of 'Turkey Century' in the 100th anniversary of the Republic, is hosting two important conferences for Asia and Europe in Istanbul, where the two continents intersect, with a week apart.

In this context, the 36th Annual Conference of the Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU) started with the opening ceremony. At the opening of AAOU 2023, which was organized with the theme of "The Future of Open Universities in the Digitalized Higher Education Era", the Anadolu Clarinet Quintet, consisting of Hüseyin Bülent Akdeniz, Arman Artaç, Kaya Kılıç, Mesut Tuncer, and Deniz Mumcu, delighted the participants with their performances.

"Anadolu University initiated open and distance education services in our country"

Prof. Dr. Fuat Erdal, the Rector of Anadolu University, stated that the university's roots date back to the Eskişehir Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences, which was established in 1958, and continued his opening speech for AAOU 2023 as follows:

"As a world university focused on lifelong learning, our university, which provides education and training services, became the pioneer and leader of open and distance education in Turkey by starting this service with the 'central open education service' authority granted by Turkish laws in 1982, which its name was changed to Anadolu University. Over time, it expanded this service to Turkish communities living abroad, especially in Western Europe, and became a "global campus" on 4 continents and in 41 countries. Our Open and Distance Learning System, which is the pioneer and leader of open and distance learning in our country, has become one of the largest education families not only in our country but also in the world with more than 1 million students and over 4 million graduates."

"We are hosting a very important conference in the 100th anniversary of our Republic"

Pointing out that we are experiencing a profound change and transformation in education in the 21st century, just like in many other fields, Rector Erdal continued his words as follows:

"The needs of learners, especially in higher education, are diversifying, and the services provided by institutions are also changing in line with the digital transformation process. Today, it is not possible for a higher education institution to survive without embracing digitalization and digital transformation. For this reason, it is of vital importance for every higher education institution, especially the institutions that provide open and distance learning services, to have the ability to be instantly informed about technological developments in education and to adapt them to their own systems. The Asian continent, which has the highest population and therefore the highest potential in education, also includes many institutions with a high potential for adaptation to new technologies. Therefore, I believe that every subject to be discussed in this conference, held under the theme of 'The Future of Open Universities in the Digitalized Higher Education Era', will not only affect but also guide the future of education and higher education as a whole, not only in the field of open and distance learning. I would like to thank the valuable executives of the Asian Association of Open Universities, who made it possible to host this important conference in the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Turkey, Istanbul University, which welcomed us in our precious Istanbul, through the esteemed Rector of Istanbul University, Prof. Dr. Osman Bülent Zülfikar, and all the Istanbul University family, and all the employees of our university who worked for the realization of the conference, and I wish a productive and successful conference."

"AAOU was established to find more advanced distance learning practices"

Speaking at the opening speech, AAOU President Prof. Ojat Darojat emphasized that AAOU is a determined organization to promote and support the development of distance learning, especially on the Asian continent, and stated the following:

"We are here today for our annual conference where AAOU members share experiences, knowledge, best practices and more advanced distance learning applications to improve and develop distance education. I would like to express my deep gratitude and warm welcome to the AAOU Board of Directors, speakers, panelists, moderators, and delegates who are willing to participate in this valuable event. We hope that the chosen theme will encourage us to explore more deeply how we can integrate advanced technology into our teaching process. How can technology-enhanced learning support the success