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Kariyer Gelişimi İçin Önemli Fırsat: Yetenek KapısıKariyer Gelişimi İçin Önemli Fırsat: Yetenek Kapısı

Afyon Kocatepe University (AKU) Faculty of Fine Arts hosted the opening of the "From Line to Form" Mixed Exhibition of Basic Painting Education on the third day of the Art Corridor event. Prof. Dr. Selçuk Akçay, Dean Deputy, Department Chairs, Faculty Advisory Board Member Gülenay Yalçınkaya, faculty members, and many students attended the opening held at the exhibition area in collaboration with AKU Faculty of Fine Arts Basic Education Department and Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Department. The exhibition showcases a total of 186 artworks created by first-year students who took the Basic Painting Education course in the Painting Department between 2015 and 2022. The selection, prepared within the scope of 8 units of Basic Painting Education course (Line Interpretations; Shape Perception and Framing; Extracting Form from Cubes and Perspective; Shape-Ground Relationship; Light-Dark Unit; Model and Texture Determinations on Achromatic Surfaces; Color Harmony Structures and Humor Collages), can be visited at the AKU Faculty of Fine Arts Education Building until January 31, 2024. #AfyonKocatepeÜniversitesi #AKÜ #GüzelSanatlarFakültesi #SanatKoridoru #ÇizgidenForma #SanatSergisi #TemelResimEğitimi #ResimBölümü #İçMimarlıkveÇevreTasarımıBölümü #SanatEtkinliği